
For a change of pace, I started working on the Wiseman Model Services four wheel caboose kit this weekend. Laser cut wood and a bunch of neat metal detail parts. It's a nice change from the cardboard models I've been working on the last couple of months, and I badly need some more shorty rolling stock for the Frazier Borate.

The interior framing is especially cool, but very fragile -- I broke it twice by applying too much pressure. The instructions say to build the undercarriage, then apply siding, but I finally put the siding on earlier than the instructions say to avoid any more damage to the framing.

The instructions are somewhat vague on how to install the truck and couplers, but I think I've got that figured out now. I need to get an overset coupler to get the right height. Fortunately my self-imposed 30-day break from buying model railroad supplies ends the day after tomorrow.

Here it is on Monday afternoon. It's just sitting on the truck temporarily.

I was going to put a crewman sitting in the back door, but his feet will likely interfere with the coupler. So maybe just for photo purposes.

A little more work done Tuesday. I'll probably paint tomorrow if the weather is decent (I plan the spray on a base coat, and need to do that outdoors). I need to see if I still have a bit of silkspan for the roof, and order some overset shank couplers -- Kadee 22 or 142.

Update - 3/4/23: Here it is sprayed with a base coat of Model Master Light Tuscan, and Poly S Grimy Black on the roof. It needs detail parts (mostly interior), weathering, and of course couplers. I have some Kadee 22's on order.

3/5/23: Testing some lettering.

3/10/23: About done. Just needs a coat of clear flat and some weathering.
