My On30 locomotive roster.
Generally speaking, they are simply numbered in order of acquisition. Single digit numbers are DC. DCC locos are the order of acquisition preceded by a 1. So #11 was my first On30 locomotive, but is numbered 11 because it is DCC. Loco #1 was actually the 4th loco I acquired, but came numbered 1, and since that number was available, I left it as L&SE #1.
All Bachmann unless otherwise noted:
L&SE #1: Porter 0-4-2T. DC. Acquisition #4. (Formerly Tioga Lumber). Damaged in an "incident" and currently (Feb. 2025) out of service.
L&SE #2: 2-6-0. DC. Acquisition #2. (Formerly Hawthorne Village)
L&SE M-5: Gas-mechanical work motor. DC. Acquisition #5. (Milepost Models kit, Model Power Plymouth drive)
L&SE #6: Porter 0-4-0T. DC. Acquisition #6. (Formerly Pennsylvania). I may add a tender to this one.
L&SE #13: Outside Frame 4-4-0. Factory DCC. Acquisition #3. (Not yet lettered or numbered)
L&SE #17: 2-6-0. Factory DCC. Acquisition #7. (Bumble Bee paint scheme. Not lettered or numbered)
L&SE #18: 0-4-2. Factory DCC. Acquisition #8. Purchased for excursion service.
L&SE #19: 4-4-0. Factory DCC. Acquisition #9. Not yet lettered or numbered.
Frazier Borate #11: Shay. DCC (Digitrax DH126PS decoder). Acquisition #1. (Formerly Pocahontas Lumber.)
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