I'm embedding a DCC EX control system into The Canyon. It's overkill for a layout this small. On my last micro, I used an inexpensive PWM controller, which works well with DC powered locomotives, and is a great solution for a micro layout. But in this case I wanted to be able to run my DCC Porter, and maybe someday a sound equipped locomotive, and PMW doesn't work with dual-mode DCC decoders -- the decoder can't understand the pulses it's seeing, so it does nothing.
DCC EX is an Arduino-based, open source DCC solution. It's a lot less expensive than commercial DCC systems, of course; I paid $75 for mine a year ago, not including a power supply (about $10) and a cell phone or tablet as a controller. Most DCC EX systems are WiFi enabled and are controlled using a cell phone app.
The latest version of DCC EX lets me switch from DCC to pulse power mode (basically an expensive PWM controller) to run DC locos.
I installed the DCC EX board in a cavity on the bottom of the layout. It's stuck down with that thick double sided tape. I mounted a 2.5 x 5.5 mm female barrel connector on the fascia to accept a standard 12 volt power supply, like the ones used for TVs and computers. I ran two feeders through the foam to the track -- again, overkill, but I had plenty of wire on hand, so why not?
I haven't tested it yet on this layout, since there's no track, but I hope to change that in the next week or so. I did use the same system on my Frazier Borate mini so I know it works.
11/1/24: I laid a few feet of track this morning and, connected the feeders, and fired up the DCC EX. It took some fiddling -- DCC EX is not as user friendly as the commercial systems, to tell the truth, and it's been a while and I had forgotten how to do things -- plus, I had managed to get a couple of wires crossed, creating a short circuit. But I finally got it figured out and was able to run Porter #18 back and forth a few times. I need to make some adjustments to the track, but the basics are there.
12/30/24: Just to wrap this one up, I've since completed all the track and run all three of my Porters, both DC and DCC. Getting into DC mode isn't exactly intuitive but it works when I remember all the steps. The DC engines run well on the PMW power from the DCC EX board.
If I take this anywhere to show it, I'll want to set up my tablet or an old smartphone as a controller, since my phone loses signal if I walk more than a couple of yards away from the layout.
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