I hit my goal of finishing both bridges and laying track all the way around, before Christmas. With the holidays and some travel, I probably won't do a lot of modeling for a couple of weeks, so instead I'm going to post some photos of the work so far.
The next few days I'll do a bit of scenery work and other small tasks, and maybe experiment with different pine tree construction techniques. After the holidays I'll build a dozen or so pine trees and put together the water tank. I may add a small shed next to it.
The 4-4-0 will never actually run on this layout due to the sharp curves, but it does look nice sitting on the bridge.
The truss bridge seems to be the place for locomotive glamor shots. The 0-4-0 is undergoing a repaint job and looking a lot better than its former livery. |
A couple of clusters of Woodland Scenics pines make good background trees. |
A couple of weeks into January, it's starting to look like the wooded mountain scenery I had in mind. |
I really like the lighting on this one. There's a photo flood about six feet above and to the right. I need to get some kind of backdrop to hide all the be background junk. |
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